
Raise Your Hand…

Raise your hand if you don’t like going to the dentist???

I had an old filling give-way so a crown was recommended…so exciting I was finally being recognized for the royalty that I was

Photo by cottonbro studio on

BUT…I was tricked…I did not receive this crown when I went four weeks ago but instead I got a temporary one…so there was still time for me to get a pretty crown like the one above.

Well…today was the day…I went in excepting there to be great know…like a coronation…roses, music, banners, balloons…but sadly non of that happened when I walked in the door. So they whisked me off to the back room and as I sat down in the chair I asked if this was when I would be getting my sash and I wondered what time the coronation party would start…it was at this point that I realized that I was getting non of that … nothing … what I got was some numbing jell and a few shots from Dr. Drew and the crown was installed on a back tooth…that no…one…will…ever..see!

So while the process was mostly painless I am still rather bummed out that I didn’t get the full royal treatment!

Photo by Pixabay on

So tell me….

Do you like going to the dentist???