

Raise your hand if you’ve already written 2023 this year? Or better yet forgotten that we’ve flipped over to a new year…I realize it’s only the 5th day of the new year but jeeze didn’t we just say that about 2023?

I started this new blog journey in January of 2023, not knowing what direction I wanted to take it, and to be honest, I’m still not sure.

A different part of my creative side is waking up…and while I’m not turning away from being creative with fabric, my mind is wandering to different mediums…One minute I wanted to try and write, who wouldn’t love to weave a tale of love and intrigue? not a day later I’m thinking about water color painting…and before I know it I’m yearning for learning stained glass. I’ve done a good job of not jumping and purchasing a bunch of stuff that will sit because my brain is swirling all over the place…like glitter…so I sit…and listen and wait…

Who knows where 2024 will take my creative side but I know one thing…there will be glitter…and unicorns…and magickal things…see what I did there…yup…all over the map…and I’m okay with that.

Another thing…you might have noticed, if you’ve been following me for awhile, either here on this blog or my older one or even on social media…I love to use DOT DOT DOT…it’s a pause for my brain. I’m not going to get hung up on crossing my “i”s and dotting my “t”s…or placing a comma or not having a run on sentence, because that is not me and what you’ll discover if you hang around long enough, I will always be me, no pretending here.

So…are you in to see where 2024 takes me?

BTW…If you read my post about my obsession with reading in 2023…here is an update. In 2023 I read 127 books. People have asked where I found the time. We traveled a lot in Aug, Sept, Oct and I don’t really sleep well when away from home so I’m up early reading, in bed early reading and reading while on a plane or airport. I also read in the morning while the house is quiet, in the afternoons before dinner time and at nights in bed. I don’t obsess about how much time I sit reading because…it feeds my soul!