Crafting · Gardening

Off her meds

Mother Nature is off her meds here in Virginia…

78 tomorrow and check out Saturday…do you see those snow flakes… ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

We traveled to North Carolina this weekend and between the time we left and returned my Bleeding Hearts are starting to pop up through the ground. I do have a few bulbs that popped up a few weeks ago, no flowers yet, and they are typically my earliest flowers…but my bleeding hearts need to sleep a little bit longer. I can’t wait for them to put on a show like they have done for years

I made this wool applique wall hanging earlier this month from a kit on my website.

I was kind of excited to get it done so I could enjoy bleeding hearts a little big longer in the house…now I just hope the flowers in the yard survive till they are ready to bloom and don’t get too cold. I’ll be keeping an eye on my flowers and do my best to protect their tender little leaves.

We’ve stayed cloudy today so I’m wrapped up in a jacket and warm socks while working in the basement but you better believe that tomorrow with the temperature going to be close to 80…I’ll be outside soaking up the sun and warmth.

Now if I could just convince Mother Nature to stay on track and stick to one season per week